Travel with Dogs: How to Prevent Anxiety and Motion Sickness

Travel with Dogs: How to Prevent Anxiety and Motion Sickness

While some dogs may love to travel, others do not. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to train them, and in this article, we will discuss them.

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If you’re a dog parent, then you must understand the pain and struggle of having to leave your dog behind. It’s never easy whether you’re just going to work or on vacation. Of course, it’s just as hard for them. That is why you bring them with you whenever the opportunity presents itself. But what happens if they get travel anxious or car sick?

Well, the solution is simple, you just have to teach them. While some dogs may love to travel, others do not. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to train them, and in this article, we will discuss them.

Here’s what you need to know:

Get Them Used to the Car

Dogs are pretty intelligent creatures. They understand what a car is and what it will mean to them. Dogs have been known to take a liking to it, and really, they should. It’s a great way to travel. If your dog doesn’t like the car, it’s good to train them to like it. Start with simple things.

Take them for a short ride once a day for about 15 minutes. Do not push them to the point where they’re tired. Also, be sure to give them a treat to associate the car with something good. And, eventually, you will be able to take them on longer trips.

Take Them to Their Favorite Places

The best way to train your dog to like traveling is to take them to places they like. This will help them understand what the car means and help them feel more comfortable around it.

One of the best ways to do this is to head to the park to run around, relieve themselves and maybe even play with other dogs. Once you do this, it will be much easier for them to get used to the car.

Build Their Comfort Level

You need to build your dog’s comfort level around the car. Don’t say anything or grab them when you first get in the car. Just let them look around. Let them enjoy the new experience. You should let them sit by themselves if they want. Also, be sure to give them a treat while they’re in the car. All of these things will build up that comfort level.

Of course, you should not expect too much from your dog. Dogs are creatures of habit, so they will not like being in the car at first. However, it will get better as time goes by, and you should be able to take them for longer trips.

Pay Attention to What they Like and Don’t Like in the Car

Dogs like consistency. They like to know what to expect, and they like knowing what is going to happen. If they get used to something during a trip, they will want that thing to happen again. So, be careful to mimic the things they did during the trip.

Pay attention to what they did while they were in the car. They probably sat on one spot, lay down, and looked out the window. If that’s the case, let them do it. If they were restless and moved around, let them do that too. Whatever they do, be sure to let them do it.

The Bottom Line

Of course, these are just some essential tips on how to train your dog to travel. However, these tips will surely help. Of course, it’s important to note that dogs are individuals and may respond differently with all that being said. So, it’s essential to be patient and give your dog a chance. If all else fails, you may have to take them to the vet for dog anxiety treatment.
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