Korean Names for Cats

Korean Names for Cats

Korean is such a fun language to learn, but more than that, it offers some of the most amazing names that you can use to name your cat. We have rounded up some of the most popular yet heartfelt Korean names for cats, so take a look.

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Did you recently bring home an adorable kitty and are looking for a unique name for it?

If yes, you might want to look into Korean names for cats, given how beautiful, different and catchy they are. Each name has an attractive pronunciation, so while it might take a while for you and your cat to get used to it, it’s all going to be totally worth it!

Korean is such a fun language to learn, but more than that, it offers some of the most amazing names that you can use to name your cat.

The best part is that almost every name has an incredible meaning to offer which makes the whole name-choosing process even more special.

We have rounded up some of the most popular yet heartfelt Korean names for cats, both male and female, that you can choose from to name your furry friend.

Female Korean Cat Names

  • Yoon – Spoiled

If your pet cat is everyone’s favorite, which is likely to be the case, Yoon is the perfect name for it. All pets are generally very spoiled, too, given how everyone showers them with love and care, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t name your cat Yoon.

  • Jag-Eun – Star

There are several ways to look at this name, one of which is that your cat is like the star in your life, always bright and shining. Jag-Eun is indeed one of the most unique Korean names for cats, and chances are that your kitty will respond well to it.

  • Jin – Beautiful

Cats are such beautiful creatures, especially the way their eyes shine in the dark and how they look so pretty all curled up on your sofa. This makes Jin an ideal name for your female cat.

  • Kwan – Strong

Is your pet cat really strong and brave as compared to how cats are like in general? If yes, you can easily name your cat Kwan; however, that’s not the only meaning of this name. Strong here can also mean that you see your cat full of inner strength and vigor.

  • Ye-Jin – Valuable and precious

All pets are valuable and precious, aren’t they? Ye-Jin is one of the most common Korean names for pets, and sometimes people also name their female dogs Ye-Jin.

  • Jang Mi – Rose

This name doesn’t only mean rose but is also pretty like a rose. Jang Mi is quite a unique name for your female cat and can mean to say that your pet is like a blooming rose- colorful, vibrant and beautiful.

  • Yeosin – Goddess

High and mighty, cats are truly goddess-like creatures that deserve all the love, care and attention in the world! If your cat demands to be treated like a goddess, you might as well name her Yeosin, which literally means goddess.

  • Dae – Greatness

Cats are like the epitome of greatness, so if you wish to give your pet cat an exalted status, you could name her Dae. It’s one of the most popular Korean names for cats not only because it has such a nice meaning but also that’s it’s super short and fits perfectly for a pet’s name.

Male Korean Cat Names

  • Yeepee – Happy

Cats are such joyful and happy creatures which makes Yeepee such a fun name for your pet! The name itself has a fun sound and pronunciation, making it one of the best Korean names for cats.

  • Makki – The Smallest

If you’ve recently brought home a little adorable male kitty, you might as well name him Makki since he’s literally the smallest member of your family.

  • Ching-Hwa – Healthy

We all want our cats to be healthy, physically fit and active, don’t we?

Ching-Hwa is a perfectly fitting name in this case which can also be used for those male cats that are already super healthy and fit.

  • Yeo – Mildness

If your cat has a mild temperament and rarely ever gets all flared up, Yeo is a great name for him. It’s also one of the shortest Korean names for cats and rests very easily on the tongue. Since it’s such an easy name, it’s likely that your cat will get accustomed to it really soon as well.

  • Seulgi – Wisdom

Cats may be goddess-like creatures, and they demand so much attention from their owners, but one can’t deny the fact that these feline creatures are so full of wisdom and insight. Seulgi is an excellent name for male cats and fits most cats’ personalities perfectly.

  • Ro Wah – Wise

This is another name that refers to being wise and wisdom so you can name your cat Ro-Wah if you aren’t particularly fond of Seulgi. It’s simply a reference to how wise cats are in general regardless of how attention-seeking these furry creatures are.

  • Geon – Strength

It’s like saying your cat is your strength, in which case, Geon is one of the best and most unique Korean names for your furry friend. It’s short, easy to pronounce and offers a great meaning, so you must consider this name for your pet as well.

  • Woo-Ri – Forever

For most cat parents and owners, having a pet cat is like a ‘together forever’ kind of a thing. If you feel the same about your furry companion, Woo Rio is such a nice name for him. It’s unique, easy to say, and the chances are that your cat will like it a great deal too.

Which Name Is Your Favorite?

Did you like any name from the above-mentioned list?

All these Korean names for cats are quite different from each other and have some of the most beautiful meanings to offer.

So, it’s safe to assume that no matter what name you choose for your male or female cat, they will absolutely love it and will also respond to it really well.

After all, your furry friend deserves a nice, cute name with a good meaning. This is one of the many reasons why most pet owners put so much thought, care and attention into choosing a name for their pets.