How To Read Your Cat’s Body Language?

How To Read Your Cat’s Body Language?

Cats are fantastic pets, but sometimes figuring out what they want can be difficult if you’re not an expert on feline body language. Here’s an overview of some key signals cats give when they’re happy, sad, angry or just plain bored with their human companions!

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Cats can be unpredictable sometimes. At one point, they enjoy your petting and attention, and then they suddenly want to bite your hand. If you also wonder why they had that sudden change in affection, many reasons could be behind it. The most important thing is that you understand your cat’s behavior and what they try to say with their actions. 

If you need some guidance, this article will help you discern your cat’s actions and manners. 

What You Should Know About Your Cat?

Although cats can be sweet sometimes, they also have a set limit in terms of physical contact. If you observe your cats well, you will notice that they love to sleep side-by-side, sometimes even with their tails intertwined. However, you will not see them actively touching each other the whole night. Even mutual grooming only lasts for a few seconds. If one attempts to lick more than the other cat is comfortable with, you’ll immediately see them start a fight. 

Cats often avoid such interactions because they tend to get overstimulated, which they do not like. Staying side by side or near each other is already a satisfying setup for them. 

How to Pet Your Cat the Right Way?

Given this fact, how should you touch your cat? If you want to pet your cat without the biting and drama later, you need to know how to do it the right way. Here are some essential tips that could help you:

  • Keep your petting sessions short
  • They like it when you stick your hand to their head and neck
  • They would prefer being close to you than you touching them for a long time

You have to remember, though, that not all cats are the same. You’ll encounter cats who love to be petted for a long time. These cats often grew up getting the same affection that made them so used to the experience. It is all about what the cats prefer in the end. As soon as you meet your cat, observe what their preferences are.

Understanding Your Cat’s Gestures

Figuring out what you should do depends on what your cat tells you. If you are still clueless on this part, do not worry. You would soon master their language. While waiting for that time, here is a list you can use as your guide. Here are some of the actions they do when they want to say that they have had enough.

  • Eyes: The eyes would be small, looking like slits, or their pupils start to dilate. They might also stare at your hand.
  • Ears: Ears move back, sideways, or remain flat.
  • Whiskers: They move forward.
  • Paws: Their claws come out, and they may raise their paw.
  • Skin: You can see that their skin starts to twitch.
  • Tail: They would start to lash or flick their tail.
  • Sound or Noise: They start to seem as if vocalizing instead of purring.

Since cats differ in preferences, it would be best for you to observe how they react with every touch you make. When they respond after touching them twice or thrice, you then figure out their limit. If they decide to stay after a few seconds of being pet, that means they love what you are doing. Make sure to wait a few minutes every after stroke to help them relax a bit. 


Like any other relationship, knowing your cat’s preferences and keeping them in mind is key to a more loving connection between the two of you. Respect should still be present. You should know when and where your pet cat wants to be touched, and you must learn to stop when they do not want any of your affection. As soon as they recognize this effort, you will be surprised at how more lenient they could be with you later. 
If you want more answers to questions like “why do cats purr” or “can cats have chocolate milk,” you will find them on this site. The Pets People is your source of practical and real-life ideas, training tips, and product reviews to make your pet care better. Find helpful information and small pets news by subscribing to our newsletter.