How Long Does it Take for a German Shepherd to Give birth?

How Long Does it Take for a German Shepherd to Give birth?

When your German Shepherd gives birth, it will be the happiest day of your life! But first you should learn about how to help and what to expect. If you’re anxious and worried about the upcoming labor, we understand; we’ve put together this guide on what to expect when your German Shepherd gives birth to take all the mystery out of the process and help you feel prepared. We can’t wait to welcome your new puppy into the world!

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Like many first-time German Shepherd parents, you’re probably wondering how long does it take for a German Shepherd to give birth? German Shepherds typically deliver between 63 and 70 days after conception, or roughly 10 to 12 weeks from the time of ovulation. During that time, the female dog will often become quieter and less active than usual as she spends more time lying down and resting. You might also notice her nipples growing larger and darker as your German Shepherd prepares to feed her newborn puppies. 

What will my pregnant German Shepherd weigh?

On average, pregnant German Shepherds are likely to gain anywhere from 12-30 pounds during their pregnancy. Not all of that weight will come at once, but most owners report their dog gaining more weight towards the end of her pregnancy. There is a good chance that your puppy will weigh over 100 pounds by when she is ready to give birth. Because of her larger size, some risks are associated with giving birth to large dogs like German Shepherds. If you notice any signs your pet might be in labor, make sure you take her immediately to a veterinarian. Make sure that both mom and puppies are healthy after she has given birth.

Can I tell my dog is pregnant by looking at her belly?

Most veterinarians can tell if a dog is pregnant by examining her abdomen. Typically, female dogs will experience some physical changes during pregnancy. For example, the vulva will become larger and more prominent, and she may leak clear or yellowish fluid. In addition, as puppies grow inside their mother’s womb, their bones begin to harden; because of that, she may stand or walk differently than usual (almost as if she favors one side). If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, such as leaking vaginal fluids or waddling like a penguin, take her to your veterinarian for an examination. 

What is the maximum number of puppies that a German Shepherd can have?

A purebred German Shepherd generally gives birth to fewer puppies owing to its genetic makeup. According to a Norwegian Kennel Club study conducted in 2010, the average litter size for a German Shepherd is 5.4.

A German Shepherd generally only has a couple of fertile days; the mating period during those two days goes a long way in determining the number of puppies that a single litter shall yield. Other factors include the dog’s age, health, and diet.

What should you feed your pregnant German Shepherd?

Your pregnant German Shepherd will require nutrition that it might not receive through traditional dog foods. Thankfully, an increasing number of commercial suppliers offer wet and dry foods that can help meet your pregnant dog’s nutritional demands.

Regardless of the kind of food that you feed your German Shepherd during pregnancy, you must not take any chances with the nutrition. Dog owners often think that there is not much difference between canine and human nutrition; the truth is that dog nutrition is a lot more complicated and might not be fulfilled using supplementary pills.

If you are unclear about the diet you should feed your dog, it is best to consult professional breeders. 

Can you play with your gestating German Shepherd?

Your German Shepherd can and should be played with throughout pregnancy. By exercising, your dog will maintain their strength and health.

You must ensure that you avoid any activities that might traumatize the dog’s lower regions and damage the belly. In addition, make sure that your dog does not run around too much, as it might impact the birthing region of the body.

Final Word

Here you have it, a brief guide to help you through your German Shepherd’s pregnancy. First, we would like to sign off by stressing the importance of working with a capable veterinarian throughout this phase to minimize the risk of complications.