Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Pet Crickets

Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Pet Crickets

Crickets are also known to be good luck charms in some cultures, which makes them even more desirable as pets. Keep reading to learn more about pet crickets.

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Pet crickets are a popular pet choice for many reasons. They are easy to care for, low
maintenance, and make great companions. Crickets are also known to be good luck charms in
some cultures, which makes them even more desirable as pets. But when you plan to keep
crickets as pets, it’s important that you know how to feed them properly.

What Do Pet Crickets Eat?

Many people don’t realize that pet crickets need to be fed a diet that is high in protein in order to
stay healthy. Crickets are omnivorous, meaning they will eat both plants and animals. However,
their diet should be mostly made up of animal protein, such as insects, worms, and other small
invertebrates. You can give vegetables and fruits as occasional treats, but they should not make
up the bulk of their diet.

One of the most popular foods for pet crickets is the common house cricket, Acheta
Domesticus. These insects are easy to come by and make a nutritious meal for your pet. Other
popular options include mealworms, waxworms, and earthworms. You can usually find these
insects at your local pet store.

How Often Should You Feed Pet Crickets?

As a pet cricket owner, you may be wondering how often you should be feeding your pet
crickets. While the answer may vary depending on the age and size of your cricket, as well as
the temperature of its habitat, there are some general guidelines you can follow.
Adult crickets should be fed once or twice a week. If you are feeding them more often than that,
they may start to become overweight. Juvenile crickets, on the other hand, should be fed
everyday or every other day.

As for how much food to give your cricket, a good rule of thumb is to offer them as much food as
they can eat in one sitting. This is especially important for juvenile crickets, as they need to eat
a lot to grow. If you are not sure how much food to give, you can always start with a small
amount and increase it if needed.

Finally, it is important to keep an eye on the temperature of your cricket’s habitat. If it is too cold,
they will not be as active and will not eat as much. Conversely, if it is too hot, they may become
overheated and die. Therefore, it is important to find a happy medium when it comes to

What Foods Should You Avoid Giving Pet Crickets?

There are a few different types of food that you should avoid giving your pet cricket. The first is
any type of citrus fruit. This includes oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. The second is any type
of onion, whether it is raw or cooked. Onions can be harmful to crickets and can cause them to
become sick. The third is any type of moldy food. Moldy food can contain harmful toxins that
can make your cricket sick.

Final Thoughts

Crickets are relatively easy to care for, but their diet is an important part of their overall health.
Make sure to provide them with a high-protein diet consisting of live insects to keep them happy
and healthy.

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