Coconut Oil for Dog Shedding: Is it a Myth or a Magic Cure?

Coconut Oil for Dog Shedding: Is it a Myth or a Magic Cure?

Coconut oil has a wide range of uses, but can it serve as a solution against dog shedding? Read on to find out.

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Coconut oil can offer a number of uses and advantages – not just for humans but also for their pets. For instance, you can use coconut oil as toothpaste, to cook your pet’s food, and you can even feed the oil directly to your pet.

But can you use coconut oil for dog shedding? The answer, once again, is a resounding ‘YES.’ In fact, coconut oil is one of the most effective treatments for this extremely common problem.

Reasons for Dog Shedding

Before we can understand why coconut oil is a good solution for skin shedding in dogs, we need to understand why dogs shed in the first place.

The number one, and perhaps the only reason behind this shedding, is irritated and dry skin. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as canines who are suffering from alopecia, a skin condition that can cause excessive shedding and even bald patches on the skin (if your dog is suffering from this disorder, you might be interested in knowing that it can also be treated using coconut oil).

Now, dry or irritated skin itself can have a number of causes, for instance:

  • Excessive bathing.
  • Use of harsh chemicals or soaps.
  • Allergies.
  • Dietary problems.

Indeed, while you focus on treating the shedding, you also need to identify the root cause behind this symptom and work to address it effectively. You could try changing your dog’s shampoos, soaps, and diet or make any other lifestyle modifications. If you cannot find the reason behind your dog’s irritated skin, a skilled veterinarian might be able to help you out.

Meanwhile, it is important to remember that dry skin is the number one reason behind shedding. In addition, dry skin can also cause itchiness, compelling your dog to scratch itself and further exacerbate the shedding.

Coconut Oil for Dog Shedding

Now that we have addressed the main causes behind irritated skin and, by extension, shedding, it is now time for us to get to the crux of the matter.

Coconut oil possesses disinfecting and moisturizing properties, which can work to reduce dryness and irritation in the skin, thereby leading to a reduction in shedding. It contains Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), a kind of healthy and nutritious fat that can address not just shedding but a number of other common problems and conditions in dogs.

By adding coconut oil to your dog’s diet, you can improve his metabolism and digestion, get rid of bad breath, and even boost immunity. In addition, the oil can even keep ticks and fleas at bay, treat insect bites and dermatitis, and serve as sunscreen.

Using Coconut Oil for Dog Shedding

As you must have guessed by now, there are two different ways that you can administer coconut oil to your dog. You can apply the oil topically on your dog’s skin, or you can feed it to him orally. Although you can choose any one of the two methods, using both approaches simultaneously can increase the benefits of the oil and even reduce the healing period.

The Topical Method

The topical method is quick and straightforward and is preferable if your dog suffers from a sensitive digestive system or will be unable to ingest the oil for some reason. Use your fingers to scoop the oil out from its jar or container and apply it all over the dog’s skin and fur. While there is no right approach to the application, you need to make sure that you are sufficiently covering all affected parts of the skin.

While raw oil can easily spread throughout the body, you can further liquefy it by warming it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Alternatively, you can also heat the oil up a bit by rubbing it between the palms. You need to ensure that the oil finds its way inside the skin and does not just remain at the surface of his coat.

Let the coconut oil stay on the body for around 15 minutes, and then, using water, gently rinse off any extra oil – it is okay if there is a bit of residue, although you might want to keep the pet away from linens or furniture. Avoid using soap, as it will strip all the oil off, leaving your dog with drier skin and further contributing to the shedding problem.

You can follow the above procedure once a week, but make sure to avoid letting the oil enter your dog’s nose or eyes.

The Oral Method

The oral method offers the greatest health benefits and is also an excellent dietary supplement. In addition, most, if not all dogs, are very receptive to the taste and fragrance of coconut oil, so you do not need to worry about any resistance from your canine friend.

Since coconut oil is a kind of fat, feeding too much too quickly can lead to digestive issues. To prevent this, start by mixing a half teaspoon of coconut oil with the dog’s food on a daily basis, and, once you are comfortable, increase the quantity to one teaspoon.

Final Word

Coconut oil can not only help reduce shedding but offers a wide range of other health benefits for dogs. So, if you are a dog owner, it is all the more reason for you to keep a bottle or two of high-quality coconut oil at hand at all times.